Liuzza Management Consulting

The Liuzza Advantage

Not Simply Creative Solutions—But Often Transformative Solutions

Finding New Solutions and Opportunities for Your Company

Liuzza is experienced in assisting and encouraging “outside-the-box” thinking by individuals and leadership groups. Among the benefits an appropriate outsider brings to your company are objectivity, a lack of ownership ties to past decisions, and a lack of problematicpersonal relationship history.

Liuzza Tools You Can Use--Soon!

Problem-solving and identification of potential solutions:

Among the tools that Liuzza delivers, where appropriate, early in his dealings with new clients, is Mind Mapping, learned from its inventor and client, Tony Buzan.  It enables both individuals and groups to more promptly create results such as situation analyses, problem identification, potentially creative solutions, and much more.

Enhancing communication and cooperation among key management team members:

To maximize results and minimize problems and stresses among management team members, an outsourced personality assessment, DiSC Profiles, is often immediately recommended and generally well-accepted. The resulting knowledge enhances understanding of each other’s personalities and improves communication and relationships.